SEND school visits to Strangers' Hall

We're delighted to welcome special educational need and/or disability (SEND) school groups to Strangers' Hall. We know that every group is different, so if you decide to book a visit we'll work with you to tailor events for your students. Please see below for more information about what we can offer. We can run SEND events Wednesday - Thursday, subject to availability. The museum is closed for its annual deep clean for the first half of the spring term.
The current topic areas that we can support are:
- Toys
- Tudors
Each workshop will last around an hour and cost £50. They will incorporate a sensory focus as suits the needs of your group plus lots of active participation, and will include a mix of object-handling and storytelling.
We're always working to develop the inclusivity of our schools offer and would love to hear from you on ways we can continue to improve and develop our provision.
If you think your group would be happy and confident at one of our mainstream school events, we'd be pleased for you to take part. Please note that other schools may be attending at the same time, and you'll share the introduction and plenary sessions with them, though the other sessions will be just your group.
You can also make self-guided visits (these must also be booked in advance). Pre-booked self-guided visits for Norfolk schools are free. For schools outside Norfolk, it's £2.40 per student.
Information, inquiries and booking
If you'd like to book one of our events, please call 01603 493636 or email, and have the following information to hand:
- The name and postcode of your school
- Your class size
- The pupils' year group(s) (this is for our monitoring)
- The number of accompanying adults
- The event you're interested in, or whether you'd like a self-guided visit
- Which half-term/term you'd like to visit
- Details of access or learning needs. We'll contact you to discuss further
- For facilitated visits, the approximate level that your pupils are working at
- Whether you'd like a space to eat packed lunches (subject to availability)
Finding out more about you
If you book for a facilitated visit, we want to ensure that we're offering the best possible experience for the pupils or young people in your group. To help with that, we'll contact you before your trip to discuss the needs of individuals in your group. We can discuss over the phone or via email, whichever is easiest for you. To get you thinking, the kind of questions we might ask about the members of your group include:
- What are their strengths? What are they really good at?
- Are there any particular dos or don'ts we should be aware of?
- Any particular sensory preferences? (For example: Is anyone particularly visual-seeking or unsure of particular tactile experiences?)
- Is there anything any individual pupils find particularly challenging?
- Are there any particular approaches used in your setting which work really well for individuals in your group? (For example: Visual timetables, opportunities to get up about and move, regular sensory breaks, key phrases etc?)
- What approximate level are individuals in your group working at academically?
- Is there anything else you feel it is important for anyone working with your group to know?
Access information
Strangers' Hall is not wheelchair-accessible and has steps to almost every room, including the toilets. If anyone in your group has mobility needs, a visit to the museum may not be suitable for them.
Read more about access facilities at Strangers' Hall.
The museum is a city-centre site with no parking. You can drop off very nearby outside the Strangers Tavern on Charing Cross.
We have a free Key Stage 2 resource pack to support the Kett's Rebellion topic. Download the Kett's Rebellion pack (PDF, 6 MB).